Saturday 3 October 2009

Phil Rushton and David at London Zoo Philippe Came over Because David cocks the Childs Father and one of the richest men in England shunned and excluded his son and didnt even send a birthday card so kind phil flew over to give him a birthday because he was appaled by the inhumanity shown By David cocks Q C to his young child: Photographed by Gillian Hammerton

Phil Rushton and David at London Zoo Philippe Came over Because David cocks the Childs Father and one of the richest men in England shunned and excluded his son and didnt even send a birthday card so kind phil flew over to give him a birthday because he was appaled by the inhumanity shown By David cocks Q C to his young child and the misery and inhumanity of one of Englands richest men in treating his son without humanity and respect never hugging him or seeing him or loving the child he created but being perfectly happy to have a 178 acra garden and leave his son with none seeing his other children older,well housed well fed well loved day and night and David shunned on £16 a week after the age of one left on a life support machine and wanted aborted but Phil gave him time and love David Cocks left me to cope alone knowing I had no money and no parents.